What’s new?
Sep, 20. v1.5
Real-time arpeggio visualization
It became clearer what’s going on on the screen: all arpeggios are now visualized in real-time using wave lines under the according keys. I got rid of the misleading (and merely ugly) waveshape morphing. All the waves on the screen are now smooth and steady.
UI changes:
- Tonic is marked by thick line instead of a colour.
- Line colour indicates the currently pressed key rather than tonic.
- arpeggio visualizations are drawn on a different layer in grey and don’t distract from actual controls.
Sep, 20. v1.4
Preferences persist.
You don’t have to finetune your settings after every app restart anymore.
Launch screen
Fancy new launch image
Sep, 17. v1.3
Synchronization with Pocket Operators by Teenage Engineering
Set the checkbox in the settings and left channel starts clicking on every 8th note. It is tested with PO and supposedly works with Korg Volca.